Chow Down ATL! Prepared Meals & food products for Atlanta and beyond
#chowdownatl, Filming at PREP, PREP NewsPREP’s Culture is People! Commercial Kitchens – Food Producers
Local Markets, PREP Cook. Create. Connect, Press Release, Shared Kitchens, Specialty Food ProducersPeople make working at PREP's Kitchens Fun!
PREP's Kitchens are always full of every type of food entrepreneur from Bakers, Caterers, Specialty Food Producers, Juice Manufacturers, food trucks and many more!
There is never a dull moment…
Farmview Day @ PREP Atlanta! Wednesday May 15th. 10am-12pm Product Tasting
Farmview Market, Food Show, Local Markets, PREP Cook. Create. Connect, PREP Mentor Series, Specialty Food ProducersThe crew from Farmview, Rock House Farm and Rock House Creamery will be bringing their Chef to prepare delicious samples of their products including their amazing heirloom freshly ground grits, pork and beef (no antibiotics or horomones, Grassfed)…
All Specialty Food Producers Take Note! Increase Your Market Share & Distribution
Local Markets, PREP Mentor SeriesHow to get the attention of distributors and buyers seminar on Tuesday, November 27th 1pm - 3pm
Bill Shadle Shares Experience of 25 Years in Gift/Food Business & Distribution
Bill's Dad opened a showroom at the Merchandise Mart…