Learn all about our initiative to support more than 100 small local food entrepreneurs by feeding Atlanta and beyond.

Safe curbside pickup & delivery options, Prepared Meals, Meal Kits, Grocery, Restaurants with Curbside Pickup, Specialty Food Products and Food Trucks ready to mobilize!

We are ready to feed one family or thousands.  Take a look, ChowDownATL has lots of healthy food choices and meals that are prepped and ready for pickup or delivery!

PREP – A culinary accelerator platform which reduces the barriers to entry and provides mentorship for food entrepreneurs bringing their products and services to market, as well as Dedicated Kitchens for Commissary, Catering and Food Production

Video on Youtube

For info about PREP (470) 448-4094

For more info about ChowDownAtl 470-395-9223. [email protected]

David Zelski and his company Dizzy Productions partnered with Georgia Grown. “My company is producing a series of stories featuring Georgia farmers, retailers & manufacturers who are all doing their part to provide during this pandemic. Many of these stories will eventually be a part of Modern Grangers – Georgia Grown Edition, a series of half-hour shows featuring a variety of Georgia Grown partners. It is inspiring to meet these dedicated and innovative small business leaders and share their stories. This first feature is about PREP Atlanta and their creative new online food preparatory service initiative www.chowdownATL.com ENJOY!!!! ”

Georgia Grown Modern Grangers – Georgia Grown EditionGeorgia Public Broadcasting Georgia Department of Agriculture Explore Georgia PREP Atlanta  ChowdownAtl #chowdownatl#fooddelivery #curbside #covid19 #coronavirus #georgia#georgiagrown #restaurants

#chowdownatl  #theimprints.agency